Background: The literature describes an increase in milk intake during the rat lactation period when the litter size is reduced, which induces an obesity condition in adulthood. However, there are no reports in this obesity model concerning the heritability of obesity phenotypes.
Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate in males rats, the effects of a consanguineous reproduction on obesity phenotypes produced by over-nutrition during the lactation period in the litter size reduced, over 5 generations.
Materials and Methods: Litters were reduced to 2 males and 2 females after birth and the consanguineous mating was performed in adulthood. A normal litter containing 8 males was used as no consanguineous group to compare the results with those of the reduced litters concerning to follows obesity phenotypes evaluated: Lee index, body mass, food intake, retroperitoneal fat deposit, length of the small intestine, goblet cells number, as well as for the glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, HDL and VLDL levels.
Results: The obesity morph phenotypes were significantly increased (p<0.05) and maintained over generations being followed with opposite changes in the LDL, HDL, and VDL levels, while glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides were reduced.
Conclusion: We conclude that the effects detected were maintained over generations using the inbreeding reproduction associated to reduction in size litter which were an increase in the morphological and some of the metabolic obesity phenotypes as well as the reduction in the glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides levels.
doi: 10.17756/jocd.2021-044
Citation: da Rocha de Oliveria AF, Vellosa JR, Hartmann B, Fidler Y, dos Reis CA, et al. 2021. Effects of the Inbreeding Reproduction on the Obesity Phenotypes Over Generations. J Obes Chronic Dis 5(1):29-35.