A genetic predisposition and environment interact to cause obesity, which results from impaired central control of body weight. The presence of genetic factors is predominant in the development and progression of genetic obesity, including monogenic obesities and syndromic obesity. There is an increased risk of serious and early-onset obesity associated with eating disorders, as well as frequent comorbidities. Genetic diagnosis is not widely available in severely obese children, so their current prevalence estimates of 5 – 10% is probably underestimated. There is evidence that the symptoms are caused by an altered leptin-melanocortin pathway at the hypothalamus. Physical and physical activity have been the primary methods of managing genetic obesity so far. The last few years have brought new therapeutic options to these patients, raising hopes for managing their complex condition and improving their quality of life. To provide individualized care, genetic diagnosis must be implemented in clinical practice. A review of the current clinical management of genetic obesity, as well as the evidence supporting it, is presented in this article. We will also provide some insight into new therapies that are currently being evaluated.
doi: 10.17756/jocd.2024-051
Citation: Sareen A, Reddy KA, Parihar R, Sulekha R. 2024. Genetic Obesity: The Current Treatment Options. J Obes Chronic Dis 8(1): 1-8.