A Focus on Motor Competence as Alternative Strategy for Weight Management

Clemens Drenowatz


The high prevalence of overweight and obesity has been identified as major threat to future public health. Excess body weight not only impairs individual quality of life but is also associated with considerable costs. The fact that obesity rates have been rising throughout the world despite considerable efforts suggests that alternative strategies for addressing this problem are warranted. One such strategy may be a stronger emphasis on the development of motor competence. This narrative review provides an overview of the major theoretical models describing the longitudinal associations of motor competence, physical activity and body weight along with empirical evidence supporting the potential contribution of motor competence in obesity prevention. It also gives some practical guidance for the implementation of interventions emphasizing the development of motor competence. Despite the fact that childhood and adolescence appear to be of particular importance for ensuring a high motor competence, it should be considered that even adults could benefit from increased motor competence. Well-developed motor competence is associated with higher motivation for participation in various forms of physical activity, and, therefore, facilitates an active lifestyle throughout adulthood. Taken together, it appears that emphasizing the development of motor competence at young ages provides a viable option for the sustainable promotion of physical activity, which is a crucial component in long-term weight management.

Published on: July 12, 2017
doi: 10.17756/jocd.2017-006
Citation: Drenowatz C. 2017. A Focus on Motor Competence as Alternative Strategy for Weight Management. J Obes Chronic Dis 1(2): 31-38.